About me...

Hey fellow gardeners and friends. I assume if you're here you have a strong passion for flowers, or you want to learn about gardening. If so, this is the right place for you.

My name is Stephanie, I live in Utah in a zone 6 climate, and I am a flower fanatic. I spend hours at the nursery and have an excessive and obsessive love for all things flowers and gardening. All of my available income goes to flowers. I have spent countless hours learning and researching about flowers, sometimes losing sleep. I am slowly transforming my property into my version of a beautiful English cottage-style garden (since I live in a desert).

My hope is to help you gain the confidence to garden by sharing with you the things that i have learned over the years, and will continue to learn. I’ll never stop learning about flowers and gardening...remember I’m a flower fanatic. I hope to make this process easy and uncomplicated for all of you, so you can plunge right in with confidence!

Flowers and gardening are so important to me. I know God gave me this passion for a reason. Participating in Gods creations helps me feel the love of God and is my therapy of choice, where my anxieties can be still.

I hope I can help all of you find and discover the never-ending peace and joy flowers bring to me.